Original Third Reich car, automotive material for sale on USMBOOKS.com
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1941 DDAC-Bordbuch
A fine, unused original 1941 DDAC-Bordbuch, a car log book for members of the
German Automobile Club with several World War II-related rules, restrictions
and regulations. The last edition published during the Third Reich!
Driving School H & K Walther of Berlin
A lot of three original 1939 books for Third Reich driving schools students -
heavily illustrated and filled with technical information, traffic rules, driving tips,
examples of traffic situations, do’s and don’ts when driving, etc.
MOTOR und SPORT - heavily illustrated magazines with articles about the
U-Boot, motorized Wehrmacht troops, military blackout lights,
motorcycle seats, Russian aircraft,
1937 DDAC Clubbuch
A fine original example of DDAC Clubbuch 1937, the heavily illustrated,
almanac-type calendar book published by Der Deutsche Automobil Club
(The German Automobile Club) for its members in 1937.
Ford Köln
Very rare Third Reich 16-cell transparency brochure for the new
Ford V8 motor produced for Ford-Werk AG in Köln am Rhein
NSV publication 'Prevent Traffic Accidents - Discipline in Traffic is Duty!'
A heavily illustrated NSV publication 'Prevent Traffic Accidents - Discipline in
Traffic is Duty!'
, stressing the importance of safety in traffic, disciplined
participation by everybody on the road in cars, on bicycles as well as pedestrians.
Notek Betriebs- und Einbauvorschrift Kraftfahrzeug-Nachtmarschgerät
A rare 100% original Third Reich operating and installation instruction book for black-out lights on vehicles, for driving at night in columns - in-depth and nicely illustrated.
DDAC Mitglied
An original pre-war DDAC promotional flyer with information about
the services provided to members of the German Automobile Club.
Gesellenstücke im Kraftfahrzeughandwerk 1943
A complete 1943 folio containing beautifully illustrated educational material for apprentices on their way to becoming automotive journeymen in Nazi Germany.
1936 Mercedes-Benz Sportkalender
An absolutely original Mercedes-Benz Sportkalender 1936 filled with
great photos of famous Mercedes-Benz race car drivers and race cars
KdF Wagen
Two lots of three Nazi automotive Deutsche Reichspost postage stamps cancelled at
the International Automobile & Motorcycle Exhibition in Berlin in 1939.
DDAC membership
A very rare illustrated 1939 DDAC (The German Automobile Club) member recruiting competition brochure featuring car badges, pennants, DDAC lapel pins, etc.
Nazi racing photo book
Das sind unsere Rennfahrer, a fine 1941 Nazi photo book of famous German race car
and motorcycle drivers, their stories and records, dedicated to Bernd Rosemeyer.
1935 Nazi condolence letter lot, DDAC, Daimler-Benz
Three Nazi condolence letters sent to Frau Klara Bohle, the widow of well-liked
DDAC Director Heinrich Bohle of Mannheim who died in July 1935.
Rare color advertising by Deutsch-Amerikanische Petroleum Gesellschaft or
German-American Gasoline Company
for their special winter motor oil.