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SD document
Reichsfuehrer-SS Heinrich Himmler
This is a very rare, heavily illustrated Nazi magazine Deutsches Blut kehrt heim or ”German Blood Returns Home”, a special publication of the Reichsorganisationsleiter, from January 1941.
It measures 8-1/4 x 11-3/4 inches, contains 30 pages and was published in 1941 by Der Reichsorganisationsleiter-Hauptschulungsamt der NSDAP or the State Organization Leader in cooperation with the Main Education Department of the NSDAP in München (Munich), Germany.
Nazi eagle and swastika sign
This rare magazine is full of photographs and information about ethnic Germans who during the 1700s and 1800s settled in the Ukraine, Poland, Bessarabia, different areas in the Baltic and Russia and how they kept their German traditions alive and preserved their pure German blood.
The magazine says that around 700,000 Germanic people answered the call of the Führer to return to Adolf Hitler’s Großdeutschland by train, ship, horse drawn carts, covered wagons and on foot from places like Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Hungary, Romania, Russia, Bessarabia, etc.
Racially pure Germans
Before these Volksdeutschen could return to Nazi Germany, an official Einbürgerungsurkunde (shown right) had to be issued, a certificate for each family or person declaring they were ethnic Germans, when they left Germany, where they settled, etc.

One very interesting photo shows Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler greeting returning Germans to the Vaterland.

Himmler was the Reichskommissar für die Festigung deutschen Volkstums (State Commissioner for the Repatriation of Germans from Abroad) and the Sicherheitsdienst (SD or Security Police) issued all necessary documents to the Heimkehrer.

In many photos (including the front cover) the coveted SD documents can be seen hanging by a cord around the necks of Germans being repatriated.

Other photos include transit camps decorated with big Nazi flags and eagles and swastikas, pretty German girls, Germans keeping traditions of the Fatherland alive and persons of pure German blood.

This rare magazine, Deutsches Blut kehrt heim comes complete with original 16 x 22 inch detailed map dated January 1941 showing the route and movement of the Volksdeutschen in previous centuries and large red arrows pointing back the Greater Germany.
Deutsches Blut kehrt heim is
We are happy to ship abroad at additional cost. Please inquire.
Also offered for sale on the USM website is a very rare original example
SD repatriation book
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