Original Third Reich calendars for sale on USMBOOKS.com
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Nazi advent calendar 1942
A very rare original 1942 Nazi German advent calendar beautifully color decorated
with Wehrmacht soldiers, German boys and girls, swastika ornaments
for Christmas trees, aryan ancestry illustrations, etc.
1940 Kalender der Deutschen Arbeit
A fine, complete example of the heavily illustrated 176-page DAF calendar
for the year 1940 called Kalender der Deutschen Arbeit.
1939 Nazi Police pocket calendar
The almanac-style German Police Pocket Calendar for the year 1939 published
by the Kameradschaft deutscher Polizeibeamten for members of the
German police, constabulary, criminal and administrative officers.
An absolutely original Mercedes-Benz Sportkalender 1936 filled with
great photos of famous Mercedes-Benz race car drivers and race cars
Nazi pocket calendars
A selection of original illustrated almanac-style Third Reich pocket calendars for members
of the Colonial League, NSFK, DRK, RAD, AO, stenographres, businessmen, etc
Reichsminister Dr. Wilhelm Frick
Rare UNUSED example of Der Merker Schülerkalender des VDA 1936, a pocket
size, heavily illustrated almanac type Nazi school calendar for VDA members.
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** SOLD **