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These three Leni Riefenstahl autographed cards are **SOLD**.
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Leni Riefenstahl (1902 - 2003) was a well-known German actress / cinematographer given the impossible task of creating a documentary of the Olympic Games as they played out in Garmisch-Partenkirchen and Berlin. She succeeded even beyond her own expectations by creating a book and a movie that won countless international awards. When Riefenstahl came to the United States with her award winning movie to introduce it to the American public, she was unceremoniously run out of town by the domestic film industry and anti-German elements.
The reality is that the opportunity Riefenstahl had to document the preparations, ceremonies and competitions at the 1936 Olympics was masterfully handled by her invention of new techniques, new equipment and new approaches to filming grand events. In Germany and most of Europe, she was acknowledged for her triumph and objective film professionals and amateur viewers today also acknowledge the lasting importance of her Olympic work.
The three postcard sized color prints we offer here were autographed by Leni Riefenstahl in the 1980s for an admiring fan. Two of them show Riefenstahl later in life and one shows her at the height of her acting career. ALL ARE AUTOGRAPHED BY RIEFENSTAHL HERSELF. The photograph of Riefenstahl as an actress has two spots of damage on her face from the glue on the envelope in which it was sent, otherwise the condition of all three is very much as Riefenstahl mailed them.
This USM Books website is Copyright © 2011 by USM, Inc., and the text and images on it are fully protected by international copyright law. It is therefore, illegal for anyone to take any of the material found here and use it for their own purposes without our written permission, irrespective of any excuse they may feel they have for doing so.