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This is a very nice example of the 4-1/8 x 5-1/4 inch, 48 page, red hardcover 1935 edition of the Mitgliedsbuch (Membership Book) of the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP or Nazi Party). The rare Nazi Party ID is number 3471 772 in the name of Kurt Müller, who joined the Nazi Party on 1 May 1933 and received this membership book from his local Ortsgruppe Weberwiese, part of Gau Groß-Berlin on 2 July 1936.

Kurt Müller was born on 1 December 1888 in the city of Braunschweig, but was a resident of the part of Berlin called Weberwiese (East Berlin after WW2). He worked for the Feuerwehr or fire department. The original photo in this NSDAP Mitgliedsbuch shows the 48 year old Kurt Müller neatly dressed in a suit and tie, and proudly wearing his Nazi Party pin on the lapel of his suit!
Müller must have been an extremely committed National Socialist as he paid his dues faithfully from January 1936 through December 1944 and carefully pasted the 102 stamps in his membership book.
There are also 20 black Beitrag or contribution stamps showing he paid into the Nazi Party Hilfskasse (accident and incarceration insurance plan) month-by-month from November 1936 thru June 1938. There is one yellow insurance stamp, proof he paid for the full year 1939 as well. On the donation page (27) it shows he donated and obtained the Reichsparteitag stamps for the State Party Days held in 1937 and 1938.
On page 30 is a handwritten entry dated 13 August 1936 showing Müller moved. The entry is signed by a member of Ortsgruppe Fehrbellin next to the Ortsgruppe Fehrbellin Gau Groß-Berlin red rubber stamp.
The last 10 pages of this original NSDAP Mitgliedsbuch contain a synopsis of the program of the Nazi Party, and page 48 has advertising for the Central Publishing House of the NSDAP, Franz Eher Nachfolger in Munich, the printer of Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf and the newspaper Der Völkische Beobachter.
All Nazi Party membership books are hard to find these days. This original 1935 edition is complete with its original owner's photo and in very nice original condition. No odor.
This fine original Nazi Party membership ID of Kurt Müller is ** SOLD **.
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