A striking original 1937 Honor Certificate awarded to the First Prize winner
in the heavy-weight class Rings of the NSDAP District Championship
at Ludwigshafen am Rhein. |
** SOLD ** |
An original RKK identity document issued in 1938 to 57 year old gravestone
producer Johann Spinnräker of Oeynhausen, a member of the Nazi State
Chamber of Visual Arts (Reichskammer der bildenden Künste). |
The original Nazi Citizenship Certificate (Deutsches Reich Staatsangehörigkeitsausweis)
of truck driver Edmund Hermann Hüber, issued on 22 September 1939
by police authorities of the city Stuttgart.
The original Reichskolonialbund Mitgliedskarte or State Colonial League
Membership Card issued to a Deutsche Reichsbahn employee in Essen.
An original NSRL (National Socialist Gymnastics Association) honor certificate
with eagle and swastika cover, issued to Third Place winner Albrecht
during the Kreismeisterschaften in Korbach on 11 June 1939.
An original Deutsche Reichspost Postsparbuch and Postsparbuch Ausweiskarte for the Nazi savings account of Karl Laa, who lived on Adolf-Hitler-Platz 34 in Korneuburg.
He made many deposits and withdrawal from the account between 1942 and 1947! |
Three genuine Third Reich Führerscheine, oilcloth driving permits
issued to women in
with original ID photos and all the right Nazi police eagle and swastika stamps. |
Nazi employment IDs of a Dutch woman working for Buchgewerbehaus Müller
& Sohn in Munich, the Nazi publishing empire that printed Mein Kampf, the
Völkischer Beobachter, Illustrierte Beobachter and Das Schwarze Korps. |
Original Arbeitsbücher for a Deutsche Reichsbahn machinist, seamstress, a female
Siemens & Halske
employee, a silver & gold thread spinner,
a German Press
Office and Radio-Austria employee, and a shoemaker from Braunau am Inn ~ one used until 1962! |
Original Third Reich certificates issued to Karl Heinz Röde,
a young
man who finished his three-year blacksmith apprenticeship in 1941. |
The 1911 birth certificate of a girl in Vienna, the daughter of a wealthy Jewish
industrialist, and sister of Alice, the Jewish woman who would become the
daughter-in-law of famous composer Richard Strauss.
Original Nazi Truppenausweis der SS-Verfügungstruppe, a provisional SS
identity document issued to
SS candidate Benno Kalweit in the spring of 1938. |
An unusual Wehrmacht driving license printed in Oslo, Norway and issued by
Luftgaustab Finnland on 19 May 1943 to man whose last name translates as "dagger". |
An original World War 2 ID called Arbeitskarte für ausländische Arbeitskräfte or Labor Card for Foreign Workers issued to a Croatian man employed in the Nazi war industry in 1942. |
A selection of original Third Reich documents: Military driving permit, chimney
sweeping record book, ID organizer, 1943 Munich coal delivery ID,etc. |
Nazi ID for foreign worker who was a victim of Allied bombing. |
Two original WW2 Entlausungsscheine issued at the East Front in 1942, an
unused Wehrmacht Wundzettel or military Wound Ticket and NSV IDs. |