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Since these are Third Reich editions of Der neue Brockhaus, there is of course, a lot of Nazi content. The structure of the Nazi Party is explained in great detail (with fold-out), the NSDAP Braunes Haus in Munich has its own entry, the Blood Flag, Nazi Blood Order and many other Nazi medals, Wehrmacht uniforms, and the colorful flag section includes the Nazi swastika flag, the Reichskriegsflagge and the Standarte des Führers. There are specific entries for the SS, the SA, and many other Nazi paramilitary organizations.

Nazi swastika flags
Reichschancellery Berlin, Hitler, Speer
Der neue Brockhaus, F. A. Brockhaus Leipzig
1941 Der neue Brockhaus, F. A. Brockhaus Leipzig
Nazi eagle and swastika seal
Hermann Goering Reichsmarschall baton
There are photos from the start of World War II in Norway, Poland and France, an example of the Deutsche Normalschrift (the Third Reich font that replaced Sütterlinschrift in 1941), charts on the population of and the percentage of Jews in every European country, an explanation of Hermann Göring’s special Reichsmarschall baton, and many important and high-ranking National Socialists have their own entry (Field Marshal von Brauchitsch, Dietrich Eckart, Wilhelm Frick, Hermann Göring, Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler, President von Hindenburg, Hjalmar Schacht, to name just a few).
And in that special German way these books don’t simply show an illustration of a complicated mechanism like a camera for example, but the text and illustrations explain how the thing works!
Nazi uniform insignia, collar tabs
Adolf Hitler's Greater Germany
World War II iin Norway, Poland and France
Nazi swastika flags, Hakenkreuzfahne
NSDAP pins and badges, NS Abzeichen
Nazi motorcycles
Deutsche Normalschrift, Sütterlinschrift
Nazi eagle and swastika designs
German Iron Cross, EK
Adolf Hitler
SA uniform, SA badge, SA Wehrabzeichen
Nazi Army uniforms color chart
Nazi art prize medal
Nazi mountaineer equipment
IG Farbenindustrie
Nazi map USA
Nazi race cars, Third Reich automobiles
Der neue Brockhaus 1 covers A-E, book 2 F-K, book 3 L-R and book 4 S-Z. Under F there is an entry for the Feldherrnhalle in Munich, the letter G has entries for antler styles (Geweih) and rifles (Gewehr), but Maschinengewehr and Maschinenpistole are naturally in the M section. The Obersalzberg entry features a photo of Hitler’s Berghof, under the R one can find information about the Reichsparteitag, RAD and the Reichssportfeld in Berlin. The SA and SS are featured and the W has information on the Walhalla near Regensburg, Richard Wagner, the Wehrmacht, World War I and Horst Wessel. In that special German way, the Horst Wessel entry in Volume 4 even shows a couple of bars of the music for his most famous composition, Die Fahne Hoch or the Horst-Wessel-Lied.
Horst Wessel
1941 Der neue Brockhaus
historic German helmets

Each Der neue Brockhaus is in very good used condition, no musty odor. If you are a serious Nazi militaria collector or Third Reich history student, this 19-½ pound four-volume illustrated dictionary set is worth its weight in gold!

SS uniform, SS belt buckle, SS visor cap, SS dagger, Totenkopf
Of course, regular subjects include astrology, aviation, fauna, chemistry, Christianity and other religions, electricity, mining and oil, flowers and herbs, furniture, genetics, race and the human body, radio, mushrooms, insects, foreign cultures, gas generators, world maps, farmhouse styles, pets, furniture, beer and wine production, musical instruments, the police, proper German greetings (including der deutscher Gruß), German cultural customs, proper clothing for every situation, railroads, etc., etc.
Luftwaffe airplane
Third Reich diecut anatomy fold-outs
different races in Grossdeutschland
Juden in Europa

Also for sale on the 1940 pocket edition of Brockhaus of current things and events as well as Third Reich advertising and a pre-publication offer for Der Grosse Brockhaus.  We are happy to combine shipping of multiple purchases!

This fine 4-volume WW2 era set of Der neue Brockhaus is ** SOLD **.
USM book #1160

   • IF you prefer faster and safer Priority Mail shipping with USPS Tracking add $35.00.
   • IF you wish to purchase highly recommended, but optional insurance, add $5.90.
   • We will be happy to ship abroad at additional cost, however foreign customers are
     responsible for any VAT payments, import duties & customs clearing fees. Please inquire.


The huge Der neue Brockhaus (The New Brockhaus) is a superb encyclopedic dictionary of German things and German speech as published by the firm of F. A. Brockhaus in Leipzig. This is a matching set of four published in 1941 and 1942. These books are from the second expanded edition and cover Nazi things and Nazi speech better than any other German dictionary of the period.

Each hardcover book measures 2-¼ x 7 x 10 inches and combined they contain over 3180 pages and over 10,000 illustrations, colorful tables and maps. They have tens of thousands of entries (many accompanied by excellent line drawings) and a good number of full-color and black and white full-page plates and maps, even die-cut fold-outs!
USM Rare Books & Third Reich collectibles