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1944 Deutscher Luftwaffen Kalender
This is a nice used example of the 3-1/2 x 5-3/4 inch heavily illustrated 300+ page hard cover 1944 Deutscher Luftwaffen Kalender, a pocket sized calendar / almanac published by J.M. Reindl Verlag in Bamberg. This is the fifth Third Reich wartime Air Force almanac which starts with a patriotic introduction by the publisher and a Preface by Generalfeldmarschall and Generalinspektor Erhard Milch. This is followed by a list of all the members of die Reichsregierung or the State Government (Hitler, Göring, Ribbentrop, Himmler, von Neurath, Goebbels, Funk, Rust, Dorpmüller, Ohnesorge, Frank, Lammers, Speer, Frick, etc.).
Fernsprech-Bautrupp der Luftnachrichtentruppe
Wind measuring equipment explained
Nazi aviation advertising
The daily calendar portion of this book is followed by 32 pages of photos of members of different sections of the Wehrmacht in action, and all sorts of information on flight equipment, weapons, Luftwaffe ranks, important German dates / holidays, aircraft profiles, how to read a map, how to pitch a tent, Luftwaffe members who were recipients of the Knights Cross, and advertising related to aviation by companies such as Junkers, Focke-Wulf, Bosch, BMW, Leitz, Telefunken, Zeiss-Ikon, Carl Walther, etc.
advertising related to aviation by companies such as Junkers, Focke-Wulf, Bosch, BMW, Leitz, Telefunken,Zeiss-Ikon, Carl Walther, etc.
These Luftwaffe calendars are very useful research tools when dealing with any subject related to the German Air Force during the Third Reich.
Junkers advertising
There are no entries in the calendar part of this 1944 Deutscher Luftwaffen Kalender. Used condition, as shown.
This 1944 Nazi Luftwaffe pocket calender is **SOLD**.
   • IF you prefer Priority Mail shipping with USPS Tracking add $6.45.
   • IF you wish to purchase optional insurance, add $3.05.
   • We will be happy to ship abroad at additional cost.  Please inquire.
Third Reich aircraft profiles


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USM Rare Books & Third Reich collectibles
Have a look at additional original Third Reich aviation material,
including other Luftwaffe calendars.