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Kommt ‘Das Dritte Reich’?, Walter Oehme , Kurt Caro
SA Befehl, SA commander Franz von Pfeffer
Kommt ‘Das Dritte Reich’? 1930 First Edition
This rare 1930 First Edition of Kommt ‘Das Dritte Reich’? is complete with its original dust jacket which has a taped spine. The 92 year old book is near-fine condition and has no odor. Very early Nazi and anti-Nazi material essential to any understanding of the early days of the NSDAP.
early NSDAP stamp, OSAF
the beloved Hitler
Adolf Hitler, the Great Hitler
This is a fine First Edition of Kommt ‘Das Dritte Reich’? (Will There Be A “Third Reich”?) published by Ernst Rowohlt Verlag in Berlin in 1930, before the Nazis came to power. There are other editions of this anti-Nazi book printed after 1930 (the last one in 1984!), with different covers and content, but this is a very, very rare original German example of the First Edition from 1930.
This 1930 edition of Kommt ‘Das Dritte Reich’? contains several rare SA-Befehle (SABE) from the desk of Franz von Pfeffer, OSAF (Oberster SA-Führer), the first SA Commander.

The image below shows the SABE with rules and regulations for SA men attending the August 1929 Reichsparteitag in Nürnberg (one of three pages).
SA Befehl for August 1929 Reichsparteitag in Nürnberg
Die jüdische Weltpest, The Financiers of the Nazi Party, Hitler and his men
the Jewish World Plague
Marching Nazis, swastika flags
OSAF Hitler, saluting SA troops
In Kommt ‘Das Dritte Reich’? Walter Oehme and Kurt Caro try to explain the phenomenon of the Nazi Movement, the appeal to its supporters and the goals of National Socialism and the Nazi Party three years before the National Socialists were elected to power in 1933. Chapters cover The Hitler Party, The Army of the Third Reich (SA and SS), Alfred Rosenberg’s Foreign Politics, Dictatorship, The Agrarian Program of the NSDAP, The Cultural Program of the NSDAP, the Jewish World Plague, The Financiers of the Nazi Party, and more.

The chapter Hitler and His Men contains biographies of Adolf Hitler, Dr. Joseph Goebbels, Dr. Wilhelm Frick, Franz von Pfeffer (first SA commander in 1925, Heinrich Himmler was his Secretary!), Gregor Strasser, and antisemitic Pastor Ludwig Münchmeyer.
There is an Historical Overview of the Nazi Party and the 5-3/4 x 9 inch, 136-page softcover book also contains eight glossy pages with photos of Adolf Hitler reviewing marching SA men, “National Socialist agitator” Dr. Goebbels, Adolf Hitler meeting admirers, and Nazi Party members with armbands praying in the field (below).
Kommt ‘Das Dritte Reich’? was written by German journalist and Social Democrat politician Walter Oehme and journalist / publisher Kurt Caro, both critical of the Hitler movement and the Nazi Party. Both left Germany after the National Socialists were elected to power in 1933.

In the Foreword the authors ponder the appeal of a movement whose main request of their supporters is “Beat all the Jews to Death!” According to the authors, the Nazis cleverly appealed to the feelings of the population, not to their intellect, and it resulted in the never before seen election successes in 1930. Tired of the same old politicians, disappointed voters and first-time young voters chose a new generation of men such as Hitler, Feder, Rosenberg, Frick, and Goebbels (who themselves were quite young to be German politicians).
In the Summery, the authors write that the National Socialist Party Program is “colorful, convoluted, deceptive without any harmonic synthesis”, a “platform built on socialist, capitalist and imperialistic boards that will never be able to be nailed together”. Walter Oehme and Kurt Caro predict that in the end the Hitler Movement will not be successful. According to the last sentence of the text in Kommt ‘Das Dritte Reich’?, “National Socialism is Morphine for the German People” and “radical withdrawal treatments will be necessary to heal from this political disease”.
Nazi storm trooper training
Above photos of “National Socialist agitator” Dr. Goebbels. Right, a chapter titled "Appraising the SA and SS" and below one of several pages of very historical and interesting descriptions of Insignia of SA ranks , from the desk of Oberste SA-Führer Franz von Pfeffer.
1930 First Edition of Kommt ‘Das Dritte Reich’? with dust jacket
SA und SA
Insignia of SA ranks, description of SA insignia, OSAF Franz von Pfeffer

Have a look at the 1933 Nazi book 'The National Revolution in Germany' and 'Worldwide Caricatures of Hitler', also for sale on  We are happy to combine shipping of multiple purchases!

This very rare 1930 First Edition of Kommt ‘Das Dritte Reich’? is
** SOLD **
USM book #1261

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USM Rare Books & Third Reich collectibles