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This is an exceptionally rare 10 x 12-¾ inch, 4-page 1935 Sieger-Urkunde or Victor’s Certificate issued on behalf of the Deutscher Reichsbund für Leibesübungen (DRL or German Physical Exercise Association) in the NSDAP Ortsgruppe Nürnberg by the event sponsor, Frankenführer Julius Streicher.

Streicher is widely recorded in mid-20th century history as one of the most anti-Jewish people who ever lived; from his earliest days as the leader of the Nazi Party in Gau Franken and its major city Nürnberg (famed for its Nazi Reichs Party Days), and publisher of the rabidly anti-Semitic newspaper Der Stürmer.

Remarkably, the front panel of this extremely rare Nazi document consists entirely of a large Fips illustration of a Nazi eagle clutching a wreath and swastika, a portrait of the face of Frankenführer Julius Streicher, three competitors marching, and an acorn and two oak leaves above the name of the illustrator, Fips.
Julius Streicher Gepäckmarsch Sieger Urkunde 1935
FIPS, Philipp Rupprecht
NSDAP Ortsgruppe St. Johannis, Julius Streicher Gepäckmarsch 1935
Fips, Philipp Rupprecht
Illustrator ‘Fips” was born Philipp Rupprecht (reference photo, right) in Nürnberg, Germany on 4 September 1900. At age 20 he traveled to Argentina where he worked as a waiter and a cowboy. Returning to Germany a couple of years later he began a career as cartoonist at the Fränkischen Tagespost, a Socialist newspaper. He was told to draw a cartoon of Frankenführer and Nazi Gauleiter Julius Streicher, but instead he drew a cartoon of Streicher’s opponent and Lord Mayor of Nürnberg, Hermann Luppe. This action brought him to the attention of Streicher who hired him at once to work at Der Stürmer in the mid-1920s. Under the professional name Fips, Rupprecht became the caricaturist for Der Stürmer for which he created the “stereotypical Jew”; swarthy and unshaven, with a big nose and bulging eyes. He served in the Kriegsmarine during the war but continued to work for Der Stürmer until the very last issue in February 1945.
The third panel in this large, rare document is the winner’s presentation certificate for Second Place in the Julius Streicher Gepäckmarsch (full-equipment march) awarded to the Mannschaft (team) of the NSDAP Ortsgruppe St. Johannis, Category Political Leaders over 32 years of age, that took place on Saturday 10 November 1935. The signatures of both the DRL Ortsgruppenführer and Streicher on panel 3 are not actual signatures, but printed on the document. Panels 2 and 4 are blank.

Because of Streicher’s notoriety and the fact that he was hung after his Nuremberg War Crimes Trial in 1946, any award document bearing either his likeness or name very rare. Recipients of such documents were likely to have carefully set them aside or destroyed them in the years following the end of World War II.
Any prospective purchaser might be interested to know that we purchased this very rare document in a group of rare material that was ‘liberated’ shortly after the end of World War II by an American Army Captain working in an office that had been occupied during the Third Reich by staff of Ortsgruppe Nürnberg-St. Johannis.

This 1935 Sieger-Urkunde was lightly damaged and repaired before we got it by a tear that is best seen on our photo of the front panel. The tear is on the right edge next to the dash after the R in the word Sieger- and continues upward through the word am above the date, and affects both printed panels. Fortunately, the repair is well-done and does not materially affect the printed matter, the appearance, or the rarity of this 86 year old Nazi document.

Have a look at an original 1933 Nazi children's book illustrated by Fips,
as well as the rare Streicher 50th birthday issue of the NSDAP Ortsgruppe
Nürnberg-Gostenhof monthly information magazine
for sale on  We are happy to combine shipping of multiple purchases!

This exceptionally rare Julius Streicher Gepäckmarsch Sieger-Urkunde is
** SOLD **
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100% ORIGINAL 1935

USM Rare Books & Third Reich collectibles