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This Reichsgesetzblatt has many Führer decrees about building projects in Königsberg, Oldenburg, Wewelsburg (above), Weimar, Posen, Saarbrücken, the port facilities at Danzig, Graz, Bremen, Memel, and Wuppertal. It also contains fold-out examples of the new Reichskleiderkarte (clothing ration card) for boys, girls and adults, an illustration of the new Narvikschild (right), pricing tables for wood, and even an example of a form to be filled out by doctors about patients with sexually transmitted diseases (Geschlechtskrankheit, like syphilis, gonorrhea) to apply for free treatment!
When this 960+ page Nazi law book was printed, the invasion of Poland had taken place and many existing German police, civil and military laws were being introduced to the Free City of Danzig and the territories in the east that had been added to Großdeutschland. Existing German laws were also still being implemented in Austria, Sudetenland and the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia and in Memelland in East Prussia.
The Reichsgesetzblatt was the official illustrated publication containing announcements of new laws and amendments of existing laws in Adolf Hitler’s National Socialist Germany, as published by the Reichsministerium des Innern (Interior Ministry) and printed by the Reichsverlagsamt in Berlin. The huge annual or semi-annual publications contained laws and by-laws, ordinances, Hitler decrees, treaties, budgets, amendments to existing laws, and so on. The minutia in these books is incredible!
During the Third Reich the Reichsgesetzblatt was published in two editions, Teil 1 and Teil 2, with Part 2 containing international agreements, traffic laws (railroad, shipping), budgets, parliamentary matters, financial matters of the Reichsbank, and Part 1 all other matters. The last edition of the Reichsgesetzblatt was published in early April 1945.
The Reichsgesetzblatt is invaluable to anyone involved in research regarding the Third Reich in general, Third Reich law, and the process by which proposed laws became law in Nazi Germany and territories incorporated or occupied by German Armed Forces. |
For sale on this USMBOOKS web page is a lot of all three rare original 1940 Nazi law books containing laws and by-laws, amendments to existing laws, regulations and ordinances, Hitler decrees, treaties, budgets, etc. They are Reichsgesetzblatt Teil 1 for the first six months of the year 1940 and the second half of the year 1940 as well as Teil 2 for 1940. This is a total of just under 2350 pages in three 8-1/2 x 11-5/8 inch books weighing 12-¾ pounds! All three hardbound books have an embossed gold eagle and swastika on the red cover, and gold blocking on the black spine. |

Pages 23 and 24 have corrections. The new civil servant uniforms section of 12 March 1940 is illustrated with rare examples of diplomatic-style uniform overcoats, visor caps, belt buckles, eagle and swastika patches, etc. Other illustrations in this edition of the Reichsgesetzblatt show tax forms and tax tables, examples of forms and IDs for medical and laboratory technicians, official police designation patches for civilian workers in Polish occupied territories, license plates, etc.
A 27-inch fold-out plan of the the port and customs facilities of Kurisches Haff, the Curonian Lagoon separated from the Baltic Sea by the Curonian Spit off the coast of Lithuania and Russia. |
Laws and by-laws, amendments to existing laws, regulations and ordinances, in this volume deal with infant and childcare homes, punishment for wartime criminal offenses, benefits and care for brain damaged and blind veterans, the German administration of Eupen, Malmédy and Moresnet, the determination of war damage in the German occupied East, Four Year Plan economic updates, protection of the rights of British, South African and Canadian authors, RKK membership, proof of German ancestry, patents, supplements to and carrying out of the Blutschutzgesetz, rental agreements, legal representation for Jews, communicating with POWs, accident insurance for POWs, manure and fertilizers, air raid protection and shelters, the glass industry, assets of Polish citizens, teacher salaries, the introduction of the midwife law and health insurance in the East, insurance for longtime members of the NSKK, revision of the law regarding Jewish business ownership and other parts of the 1935 Nürnberg Law, prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, expansion of the use of Jewish assets, child subsidies, cattle slaughter, radio broadcasts in the East, family name changes, as well as price regulation of vegetables, yarn, cattle sales, shoes, meat and sausage, cooking oil and spices.

Laws and by-laws, amendments to existing laws, regulations and ordinances, and Hitler decrees in this volume deal with the Deutsche Reichslotterie, the Deutsche Reichsbank, alternative healing methods, professional criminals, tobacco cultivation, traffic laws, real estate taxes, agriculture and wine production, subsidies for wounded veterans, vaccination, price regulation of groceries, timber, butter and mineral oil, taxation, national debt, civil servants, securing of national Polish assets and confiscation of enemy assets, trade and economic treaties, the confiscation of private property for military purposes, prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, acquisition of property by foreigners, the introduction of Daylight Savings Time, labor laws, the limitation of the use of machinery in the production of cigars, representation in German Parliament by people from the occupied eastern territories, clemency for people from the occupied eastern territories, the introduction of the Reichsarbeitsdienst in the occupied eastern territories, military conscription, social and economic plans for the occupied eastern territories, buying and selling corporate shares, railroad construction and use by the Reichswerke “Hermann Göring”, copyright protection for British citizens, social programs for members of the Wehrmacht, patents, animal protection, breeding and hunting, Four Year Plan economic updates, youth welfare, timber measurements, securing the German border along the Mosel river, publication assistance for poets, unemployment compensation, special penal code for members of the SS and police, casinos in Polish resorts, expanded asset registration for Jews and limitation of educational book ownership by Jews, obligatory school attendance, etc.

There are police regulations regarding the protection of National Symbols and National Songs, buying and selling poisonous plants, dancing and public revelry in war-time, fireworks, traffic and so on
There are Führer decrees about the creation of the position Reichsminister für Bewaffnung und Munition (Armaments Minister) and the elimination of the position of Reichskommisar für die Wiedervereinigung Österreichs mit dem deutschen Reich as well as the unification of formerly Belgian provinces of Eupen, Malmédy and Moresnet with the German Reich. After the German invasion of the Norway, changes in government matters in that country were announced, and after the Wehrmacht invasion of the West had taken place in May 1940, there are additional entries about legals matters concerning Holland, Belgium, and Luxembourg
This 81 year old example of the January - June 1940 Reichsgesetzblatt Teil 1 has silver and maroon swastika end papers and is in very good condition, no odor.
This historic 3 pound Reichsgesetzblatt was part of the National University Library of the city of Strasbourg. The red hardcover book has an embossed eagle and swastika on the front cover, red end papers, and has the spine is retaped. The red covers have some spots where the red is missing but the historic content of this book is complete and in fine condition! The book has no offensive odor. |
Have a look at other examples of the Reichsgesetzblatt for sale on USMBOOKS.com
We are happy to combine shipping of multiple purchases!
Reichsgesetzblatt Teil 1 for the last six months of 1940 has 1002 pages and weighs 5 pounds. The 81+ year old book is in very nice used condition, no odor.
PART 2 1940
This is a rare original example of Teil 2 the Reichsgesetzblatt for the year 1940. Part 2 of these Nazi law books contained international agreements and additions and changes to them, traffic laws (railroad, shipping), parliamentary matters, budgets and financial matters of the Reichsbank. |
This 385-page book has rare historical content about the announcement of the German-Soviet Border and Friendship Agreement, international treaties about commercial and civilian railroad traffic between Nazi Germany and Lithuania, Trade Agreements with Rumania, Slovakia, Yugoslavia as well as Chile, customs formalities about Norwegian Herring, protection of inventions and displays at exhibitions, Military Railway Agreement, an Extension of the German-Finnish Trade Agreement, Railroad Traffic through Turkey, Currency Regulations between Nazi Germany and Afghanistan, changes to the ordinances regarding disciplinary measures against members of the Army and Navy, citizenship regulations between Germany and Slovakia, new German-Swiss border formalities, International Postal Treaty, the takeover by the Deutsche Reichsbahn of the railway system in Sudetenland and Reichsgaue Oberdonau and Niederdonau, the new German-Italian Social Security Treaty, German-Italian Treaty to Prevent Smuggling, and the announcements of the Dreimächtepakt or Axis Agreement between Nazi Germany, Italy and Japan in Japanese, Italian and German languages. |

PLEASE NOTE: due to a lack of time and manpower we are UNABLE to answer questions about or look up specific laws, ordinances, regulations, decrees, etc.
This lot of three rare original 1940 Reichsgesetzblatt books is
** SOLD **
USM book #1166
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