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This lot of 20 very rare DUZ Nazi magazines from 1943, 1944 and 1945 is
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For anyone with an interest in Nazi military and political uniforms, orders, medals, decorations or other minutia relating to the design, the manufacture and distribution of such things this lot of 20 original examples of Deutsche Uniformen Zeitschrift (DUZ) are priceless. All 20 issues are complete and the run of the issues is probably complete. Each issue is composed of approximately 12 to 24 heavily illustrated 9-1/4 x 12-1/4 inch pages of news and information.

Deutsche Uniformen Zeitschrift was first published in 1943 and came into being by combining the newspapers Schwert und Spaten (the paper of the Präsidialkanzlei des Führers) and Uniformen-Markt (the paper for uniform industries, flag manufacturers and the makers of things to be attached to uniforms). This lot consists of 1943 issues 1/2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 (complete year); 1944 issues 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 (probably the complete year) and 1945 issue 1 (we don't know that there was ever an issue 2), for a total of about 220 pages.
Quite naturally the Third Reich German uniforms and equipment covered in this publication are those from about mid-war through the end of any real production early in 1945.
These heavily illustrated issues of Deutsche Uniformen Zeitschrift also give substantial coverage to medals and decorations, uniforms and other equipment of German Allies like the Protektorat of Böhmen und Mähren (Bohemia and Moravia), Bulgaria, Finland, Croatia, and others.

There is a good deal of advertising from the biggest names in German uniforms, medals and orders. Among the order and medal makers are Deschler & Sohn, Hoffstätter, Karl Wild, C.E. Juncker, Hermann Wernstein, Gebruder Godet & Co., Paul Küst, Paul Wissmann, Steinhauer & Lück, Gante, Max Küst, Paul Meybauer, Eduard Schiffer, Rudolf Souval; sword and dagger makers WKC, Alcoso, Carl Eickhorn; medal ribbon makers Kessler, Langensiepen & Müller, Feldhoff & Co., Heinrich Nierhaus, Freiberger Lohmann; flag manufacturers Bangert und Hertwig, Reuter, Müller, Vogel & Böhmer, Hoffmann, Fleck, Fahnenrichter, Fahnen Koch; pin, badge and woven patch manufacturers August Rolle, Zimmermann, Diersch & Schmidt, Rausch & König, Ewald Vorsteher (BEVO), Fakler, Hensel & Schumann, Georg Rudolf, Woldemar Wimmer, Julius Riess, Richter & Rohrlapper, Gebruder Gloerfeld, Thiele & Steinert, Dr. Franke & Co., Geissler & Hast, Leonhard Hermann & Co., Overhoff & Co., Raab & Co., Gustav Bremer, Wilhelm Deumer, Frieleder, Franz Fiedler, Näser & Höhne, Kurt Droese, Franz Rönnefahrt, Richard Sieske, etc.

There are certain subjects covered in virtually every issue such as news of the LDO, items for sale and items wanted, foreign uniform and insignia news, items of interest for the NSDAP, the Army, Luftwaffe, Navy, Police and SS.
A few of the many, many newsy subjects are: how the Ostmedaille or East Front Medal is made, the insignias of volunteers in the east, new armbands, national symbols on the armbands of SS helpers, the runic emblem of the SA Feldherrnhalle, portepee for the 1936 SS dagger, Norwegian combat awards, new East insignia, RAD Knights Cross of the Iron Cross winners, a new Field Marshal staff for Grand Admiral Dönitz, Organisation Todt woven insignia for women, SS Standards / Divisions like Das Reich, Germania, Der Führer, Deutschland, Totenkopf, Wiking, etc., insignia of the volunteer groups of the Army and Waffen-SS (such as the Croatian Legion), traditions cap insignia, War Medals for the Hitler Youth, SS awards, the Kuban Shield, children in uniform, SS Specialist insignia, the full law regarding the Order of the German Eagle of 27 December 1943, a new field cap offering neck and ear protection, Ostgebiet uniforms, armband and insignia, new insignia for medical personnel, Arab uniforms, Indian uniforms, announcement of the Doehle medal book in color, the pillows and medals of Reichsminister Dr. Fritz Todt, a sharpshooter insignia for the Army and Waffen-SS, the SS Honor Shield for the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, new police field uniforms, the uniforms for German women deployed at the front, new uniforms for female volunteer firemen, the Demjansk Shield, the deaths of industry people in the war, police ski instructor insignia, news of the RZM, pricing regulations for uniforms and caps produced in home workshops, etc., etc., etc.

These magazines are straight out of our archive. It is the sort of thing we never expected to offer for sale since we can't imagine where we could find replacements for them. If you don't need these magazines, any price would be too much, but if you have an interest in Nazi uniforms and their accessories, or are doing research regarding this sort of material, they are priceless.
A few of the magazines have their covers separated at the spine (the covers are the same sort of paper as the contents of the magazines), but all are complete and in nice, used condition.
These issues of Deutsche Uniformen Zeitschrift should be reprinted for general consumption, or kept in a library or museum where they can be accessed by researchers.
The last two issues in this lot give full details of the German law of 2 August 1944 regarding price, manufacturers and retailers of German medals, orders, ribbons and decorations could charge for their products. This is extremely interesting information from the standpoint of what the medals were made of, how they were finished and how they were packaged. Costs varied from a price of RM 3.58 ($1.43) for a screw-back Iron Cross to RM 30.30 ($12.12) for a Spanish Cross with Swords in real silver, gold plated. SS Service Awards varied in cost from the 4th level award at RM1.23 ($0.49) to the 1st level award at RM3.75 ($1.56). The Army Paratrooper Badge had a cost of RM3.21 ($1.28) and a Luftwaffe Pilot Badge cost RM3.11 ($1.24). Shields like the Cholmschild, Kubanschild and Demjansk-Schild cost RM0.49 ($0.23) without the cloth and metal backing.
1943 - 1945
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