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These super rare Nazi racial filmstrips (205 images total)
and booklets are **SOLD**.
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This is a full set of four completely original Nazi filmstrips in very good original condition, in their original Third Reich labeled tube containers (a total of 205 different images), each accompanied by the original booklets that were used to provide a lecturer with an overview of each subject and in-depth captions for each of the images projected on the screen. In our decades in the business of rare Third Reich material, we have never encountered another complete set, or any part of the set in this excellent condition.
The four filmstrip rolls and booklets have the following titles:
1) "From Racial Chaos to Racial Protection" (66 images, 28 page booklet) 2) "Ethnology of the German Nation" (75 images, 32 page booklet) 3) "Genetics, Part 1" (31 images, 16 page booklet) 4) "Genetics, Part 2" (33 images, 16 page booklet)
Allied Denazification teams combed schools, libraries and other German institutions at the end of World War II with the specific mission of finding and destroying anything and everything connected in any way with the Nazi concepts related to ethnology, genetics and racial theory because they considered them to be the most dangerous legacy of Hitler and the Nazis. This is one of few complete sets of these film strips and booklets that survived the sweeps made by the Allies.
Vom Rassenchaos zum Rassenschutz (From Racial Chaos
to Racial Protection)
Covers the subject from biblical times (Babel, Moses and the Jews) through the Middle Ages to historic times of people like Napoleon, Schiller, Rothschild, Fritsch, Houston Stewart Chamberlain, Richard Wagner. The emphasis then switches to photographic subjects like the Tiller Girls, a "Nigger Jazz Band" with a Jewish Director, mass murder, Horst Wessel, Julius Streicher, the Hoheitszeichen or eagle and swastika insignia of the NSDAP, Nordic types, rehabilitation in Nazi concentration camps, Frederick the Great, a Polish Jew, Jews of Germany, 1 May 1933, the Reichsautobahn, Hans Schemm, Magnus Hirschfeld, Alfred Rosenberg, Reichsbischof Müller and the Flight of the Jews. The last page of the booklet contains a list of current books on similar subjects as published by Verlag J.F. Lehmann in Munich.
Vererbungslehre I
(Genetics, Part 1)
Rassenkunde des deutschen Volkes
(Ethnology of the German Nation)
Covers the subject of Ethnology as it relates to Germany in historic pictures, portraits, skeletal evidence, maps, etc. It dwells on the origins of the Jews in Germany and emphasizes the difference between them and the various Aryan races in the country. There is considerable underlining in the text but the booklet is complete and in very nice condition.
Covers the subject of Genetics from the origins of the science through the work done by Gregor Mendel. There are lots of charts to explain how characteristics are carried forward genetically in succeeding generations of insects, plants and animals.
Vererbungslehre II
(Genetics, Part 2)
Covers the subject of Genetics as it relates to human beings. Has a lot of pictures of physically and mentally crippled people and an explanation of how these characteristics are passed from one generation to the next. The filmstrip ends with an image of the manifestation of inherited syphilis.
Based on rarity alone these are very valuable filmstrips. They are even more valuable from the standpoint of someone, a publisher for example, who would like to digitize the images and translate the booklets, and make them available for sale to students, professors, researchers, historians, libraries, museums, collectors and others with an interest in the Nazi concepts of race, ethnology and genetics.
The overall condition is very good and the images are bright, sharp and unfaded just as you see them in our pictures. We projected each filmstrip on a screen to photograph some of the images, but a much better way to reproduce them would be to scan each image or place the filmstrips on a light table and photograph the individual images directly with a camera.
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