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Above, the memorial plaque for Nazi 'Putsch' martyr
and judge Theodor von der Pfordten at the
Nazi Justice building in Munich.
Above, a mother sits next to the grave stone of her fallen
son, a member of the SS "who fell so Germany could
live." Note the SS motto "Deine Ehre heißt Treue."
Gedenkhalle für die Gefallenen des Dritten Reiches is a very rare and high-quality Third Reich book. It does not come up for sale often, especially not in this fine condition 87 years after it was published. If you are seeking a near perfect example of this rare book, you have found it!
Above, the Hitler Youth memorial to Herbert Norkus
who became a household name after his death at age 16
as a result of the 1932 novel 'Der Hitlerjunge Quex' and
1933 UfA film by the same name.
Above Nazi martyr Albert Leo Schlageter and below the memorial plaque for SS-Mann Karl Radke erected at the
spot where he was stabbed to death on 9 November 1931.
In the back of Gedenkhalle für die Gefallenen des Dritten Reiches is an alphabetical list of names of fallen National Socialist martyrs and a detailed index.
Published in 1935 by Zentralverlag der NSDAP Franz Eher Nachfolger, the Central Publishing House of the Nazi Party in Munich, this 1936 Second Edition edition of Gedenkhalle für die Gefallenen des Dritten Reiches has embossed silver blocking on the front cover and spine. The book is in very fine condition with a tight spine and no odor and the silver blocking is in excellent condition.
The original 87 year old dust jacket has the same design as the actual book cover, including the swastika motif on the spine. It was taped on the inside by a previous owner to preserve it in nice used condition.
Gedenkhalle für die Gefallenen des Dritten Reiches is a rare, high-quality Nazi Party photo book with dust jacket put together by Hans Weberstedt and Kurt Langner, who were assisted by the leadership of Nazi Party Gaue and family members of the fallen Nazi heroes.
The 7 x 9-¾ inch book has thick paper pages of text interspersed with glossy photo pages in a somber black cover with silver blocking. It starts with a foreword by Adolf Hitler about the men who died as soldier-heroes for the National Socialist Movement, paving the way for a new, reshaped Germany. |
The 240 pages in Gedenkhalle für die Gefallenen des Dritten Reiches have chapters about the birth of the Nazi Movement and the SA, and the men who died for the cause during the years 1920-1923 - men such as Dr. Karl Winter and Albert Leo Schlageter. |
Below, rare pictures of the elaborate
burial ceremony
of the Nazi martyrs on 9 November 1935
at the Königsplatz in Munich.
The history of the 1923 Putsch and the men who died on the night of 8 - 9 November are covered in depth. There are photos taken during the historic event and brief descriptions of the lives of the men who fell near the Feldherrnhalle in Munich - a waiter, a locksmith, teacher, engineer, hat maker, as well as several salesmen and bank employees. |
Other chapters cover stories about the early Nazi battles against communists; Horst Wessel and his death, Herbert Norkus (who became famous after his death at age 16 as a result of the 1932 novel Der Hitlerjunge Quex and the 1933 UfA film by the same name), as well as the death of many other lesser-known members of the NSDAP, SA, SS and Hitler Youth. Many of them are pictured, and there are also many photos of Nazi martyr funerals, grave stones and even several images of police reports and documents relating to some of the Nazi member’s murders. |

Other pictures show the Nazi Party Putsch monument on the side of the Feldherrnhalle in Munich, Hitler in his cell in Landsberg Prison in 1924 and the same photo-pose recreated in 1934, Wilhelm Gustloff, Dietrich Eckart, Hermann Göring speaking at the grave of dead comrade Walter Fischer in Berlin in December 1929, Horst Wessel’s funeral, funerals for many (often very young) fallen Nazi martyrs all over Germany, Dr. Joseph Goebbels at the grave of Berlin HJ martyr Hans Hoffmann, Baldur von Schirach placing a wreath on a HJ memorial monument, young Nazi fighters on their death bed, a mother next to the grave of her fallen son, a young SS man, and many different examples of grave stones with Nazi swastikas and other National Socialist symbols.
The photos used in Gedenkhalle für die Gefallenen des Dritten Reiches are rare and most are not found in other Third Reich or postwar books. There are incredibly rare pictures of 8 - 9 November 1935 taken during the nighttime and daytime ceremonies when the coffins of the Nazi martyrs were moved from the Feldherrnhalle to the newly built Ehrentempel or Honor Temples near Hitler’s office and the Braunes Haus on the Königsplatz.
There are rare pictures of Adolf Hitler accompanied by high-ranking loyal Nazi Kämpfer (fighers) and the SS-Standarte ‘Deutschland’ (below) at the ceremony at the Honor Temples, and Hitler meeting with family members of the Nazi Putsch martyrs.

This rare 1936 Third Reich book about Nazi martyrs is ** SOLD **
USM book #1275
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