As anyone familiar with the subject knows, the Nazis were absolutely faultless in their pursuit of recording every possible aspect of the history of their culture. Principal among these objectives was to put virtually everything that Adolf Hitler said into print.
The 5 x 7-1/2 inch hard cover book we offer here bears the title
Der grossdeutsche Freiheitskampf - Reden Adolf Hitlers (The Greater German Freedom Struggle - Adolf Hitler Speeches), published on orders of Reichsleiter
Philipp Bouhler by the Zentralverlag der NSDAP Franz Eher Nachfolger, the Central Publishing House of the Nazi Party in Munich in 1940.
The 200 pages contain speeches delivered by Hitler between 1 September 1939 and 10 March 1940. It includes Hitler's speech to the
Reichstag on 1 September 1939 announcing the start of the invasion of Poland, as well as the Victory Speech on 5 October 1939 to his victorious soldiers, the 8 November 1939 speech to the
Alte Garde on the eve of the
Putsch anniversary in Munich, New Years Greetings to Wehrmacht soldiers on 31 December 1939, his speech at the
Sportpalast in Berlin on 30 January 1940 and others.
This is an original hardcover 6th edition (251 - 300 printing). It is fully indexed and has advertising for Mein Kampf on the last page. It also has a Zeittafel, a chronological time table of German-Polish relations from 1934 onward as well as important events from 1934 through 1940.
It does not look like this book was ever read.
It is in fine condition with a tight spine and has no odor. The color dust jacket is a professional facsimile from an original in the USMBOOKS archive.