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Above, a rare photo of Edward, the Duke of Windsor, listening to "instructions" by Reichsleiter Dr. Robert Ley.
There are pictures of Adolf Hitler in the early 1920s during his rise from obscurity, in civilian clothes and in uniform, with Julius Streicher, Rudolf Hess, Ernst Röhm, President von Hindenburg, Hermann Göring, Joseph Goebbels, Robert Ley, Baldur von Schirach, Viktor Lutze, Heinrich Himmler, Benito Mussolini and Count Ciano, General Franco, Dr. Hacha, Joachim von Ribbentrop, with Wehrmacht Generals and Nazi paratroopers, with the Nazi Blood Flag, in front of airplanes, in cars, during huge rallies and alone with his dog, with female admirers, at the 1936 Olympics, during the 1938 Munich Conference, in Paris, etc.
On the last few pages of the book there are photos of Hitler and Eva Braun in and around the Berghof, and Russian soldiers in the the Reichschancellery bunker sitting on Hitler’s chairs and bed and using his telephone.
This is a 1983 First Edition of Adolph Hitler, A Photographic Documentary published by Crescent Books with its original dust jacket, in very nice, little-used condition. Tight spine, no odor.
Adolph Hitler, A Photographic Documentary is ** SOLD **
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This is a fine, little used hardcover example of Adolph Hitler, A Photographic Documentary by British journalist and photographer Ivor Matanle. Carefully selected pictures in this 9-¼ x 11-¾ inch, 176-page, heavy 2-¾ pound photo book are accompanied by historical facts.