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This genuine official 9-page Nazi document grouping deals with the use of public transportation by Prisoners of War (POWs), civilian Polish laborers, laborers from the eastern countries and other foreign laborers.
Gestapo file
It is an excellent example of the enormously detailed way in which the Nazi Police dealt with even the tiniest matters of state and security during the Third Reich of Adolf Hitler.

This absolutely authentic Nazi paperwork has original, official receiving stamps from the office of Gauleiter and Reichsstatthalter Baldur von Schirach (shown right).

Gauleiter and Reichsstatthalter Baldur von Schirach
The first part of this document file dates to the early summer of 1943. There is a cover letter of the Reichsstatthalter of Wien (Vienna) dated 24 June 1943 which accompanies an official copy of a Gestapo decree dated 27 May 1943 addressed to police stations all over Germany and officers of the Sipo (Sicherheitspolizei or Security Police) and SD (Sicherheitsdienst). The official Gestapo decree outlines the rules for the transportation of POWs. It is the actual copy sent to the Reichsstatthalter of Wien, the highest civil authority of Gau Wien.
Gestapo letter to Gauleiter and Reichsstatthalter Baldur von Schirach
The second part of this rare Nazi document grouping also deals with an important transportation issue. The Gestapo cover letter dated 7 September 1943 accompanies an offical copy of the decree of the Reichsverkehrsminister (State Traffic Minister) sent out on 30 August 1943 by the Chief of the Sicherheitspolizei and the Sicherheitsdienst, Müller.
The 4-page decree outlines the rules for use of public transportation by POWs and eastern laborers as single travelers or when they travel in groups (interestingly, French POWs were allowed to travel by themselves, Soviet and other POWs were required to travel in groups!).
Nazi Police

There are rules about which type of ticket these people needed, in which compartment of busses or trains they were allowed to travel (on trains in 3rd Class or in freight cars), periods of travel (avoid busy holidays times), ticket prices, rules for accompanying personnel, separating the POWs and laborers from regular travelers, whether or not they could use seats in passenger cars, etc. There is a special paragraph dealing with the rules for Polish POWs and Polish forced laborers.

This amazing information contains details down to what to do if the clothing of the prisoners was dirty! This document file would be priceless to anyone doing research on this subject. In very good condition.
A unique Third Reich Gestapo/Police file containing
information not available anywhere else!
This original 1943 Nazi Police material is **SOLD**.
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