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The 10-1/2 x 14-1/2 inch heavily photographic magazine Die Wehrmacht (The Armed Forces) is without question the most reliable authority on matters related to the Armed Forces of the Third Reich Germany of Adolf Hitler. After the Nazis demanded and won the allegiance of the Junkers and the military, the conversion of the Armed Forces by the NSDAP began in earnest. New helmets, uniforms, weapons and heavy equipment began to flow to the armed services in a never-ending stream. Committed professionals displaced old-timers in the military and the people of Germany didn't need to be told to take pride in their army. Anything and everything that pertained to or impacted the military in Nazi Germany was reported and shown on the pages of Die Wehrmacht. It was published by the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (OKW or Armed Forces High Command) and was the official government position on all matters military. |
Some Special Editions of Die Wehrmacht on this USMBOOKS webpage are individually priced, but most issues are priced at only $22.00 each + $5.00 delivery in the continental USA by Media Mail (foreign buyers inquire about postage costs). If you buy five or more issues of $22.00 Die Wehrmacht magazines, the price is only $20.00 each and we pay for postage. This discount does not apply to individually priced issues of Die Wehrmacht shown on other webpages.

Hermann Göring's 48th Birthday (full-page portrait); Integrated Attack Forces; Attacking England's Heart; Japanese Military Power; King Michael's Rumanian Forces with the Wehrmacht; the Special Train of Generalfeldmarschall von Brauchitsch; advertising, puzzles, jokes, cartoons. This magazine has 32 pages and is in very good condition.
the Enemy in Airplane Gun Sights; Horse Mounted Troops in Combat; the "Altmark"; Tank Technology - Land Cruisers; Lighthouse Troops; Soldier Guests in Berlin; advertising, puzzles, jokes, cartoons.
This magazine has 24 pages and is in very good condition.
Tank Battles at Night; Bombing of Moscow; Smolensk Today; the Rolling Front; Reconnaissance Troops Deep in Finland's Forests; advertising, puzzles, jokes, cartoons.
This magazine has 24 pages and is in very good condition.
The Führer's Birthday; Tanks and Airplanes in the South-East Front; German Troops on the Metaxas Line in Greece; the North African Front; U-Boot Construction; advertising, puzzles, jokes, cartoons.
This magazine has 24 pages and is in very good condition.
the German Afrikakorps; German Naval Successes Along British Supply Routes; A German Auxiliary Cruiser in Action; German Torpedo Planes Attack British Battleships; To The Black Sea; Halftrack Mounted Flak Forward!; advertising, puzzles, jokes, cartoons.
This magazine has 32 pages and is in very good condition.
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