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This is a very good used example of the huge 10-3/8 x 14-1/4 inch, 128 page very, very heavily illustrated softcover tribute to the role played by the SA in bringing Nazi victory in Germany and to commemorate their sacrifice. Die SA was published by Central Publishing House of the NSDAP, in Munich, Germany in 1938. The Eher firm was owned by the Nazi Party and they published millions of copies of Hitler's book Mein Kampf as well as the giant NSDAP daily newspaper, the Völkischer Beobachter in Berlin, Wien and München editions. This book was created as a special edition of the Illustrierter Beobachter.

There is a double-page spread depicting the uniforms worn by the SA throughout Germany from 1921 to the standardization in 1933. The SA Rider program is explained as is the Marine or Naval SA and other special SA formations. There is information on the
Geschwader Horst Wessel, the
Reichsführerschule, volunteer groups within the SA and SA housing neighborhoods. The cultural work of the SA is covered in detail as is the SA Sports Badge, SA memorials, SA newspapers, etc.
There are six pages of small photos of notable SA men along with a brief biography and a fascimile of their signature. These include personalities such as Dr. Fritz Todt, Prinz August Wilhelm ("Auwi"), Baldur von Schirach, Adolf Wagner, Dr. Robert Ley, Franz Ritter von Epp, Fritz Sauckel, Julius Streicher, etc.
This is a rare 80 year old Nazi propaganda publication in very good used condition that comes with the (frequently missing) 9-3/4 x 14 inch full-color formal color portrait of the Chief of Staff of the SA, Viktor Lutze (shown at the top of this USMBOOKS web page). Complete, no odor.
Die SA opens with a memorial tablet to SA members killed in their work for the Nazi Party. It goes on to very early photos of flags, banners, armbands and demonstrations by the SA in support of Hitler in the very, very early days of the Nazi movement. There are dozens of unique photographs, for example one of the receipt from the city of Berlin for transporting wounded SA Sturmführer Horst Wessel to a hospital where he subsequently died. There is glorious artwork and large photos of every aspect of the SA from the lowest SA Man to the High Leadership Corps. Hitler and Hermann Göring are both shown in SA uniforms. The early offices and beer hall meeting rooms are shown in rare photographs.

This oversized Nazi Special Edition SA photo book is **SOLD**
USM book # 414
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