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Metropol Theater Berlin

1892 - 1942

Metropol Theater 1942
The Metropol Theater at Behrenstraße 55-56 was just around the corner from the residence of Germany’s 23 Chancellor Adolf Hitler in the Reichskanzlei on Wilhelmstraße in Berlin.
Dr. Josef Goebbels, Reichsminister für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda It was also a quick walk from Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring’s Air Ministry, Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler’s SS and Gestapo headquarters and many other important German ministries.

In 1942 the Metropol Theater celebrated its 50th year in business with the production of a beautiful, colorful 9 x 12 inch, 28 page, very heavily illustrated souvenir booklet ,,50 JAHRE METROPOL’’ (50 Years of the Metropol). The first page of the booklet is an introduction and congratulatory message from Dr. Josef Goebbels (shown at left), Reichsminister für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda (Nazi State Minister of National Community Clarification and Publicity).

Metropol Anniversary Booklet
The next pages contain the congratulations (and Heil Hitlers!) from musicians and politicians.

The remainder of the booklet provides a marvelous text and photo history that is a “Who’s Who” of actors and actresses that graced the stage at the Metropol over the years. It includes everyone from Guido Thielscher, Elfi Mayerhofer, Josefine Dora, Lizzi Waldmüller, Hilde Schneider, Carla Carlsen, Hilde Seipp, Gretl Dittrich to Hildegard Morzelewski, etc.
German artists The brochure also serves as a guide to the operetta ,,Hochzeitsnacht in Paradies’’ (Wedding Night in Paradise) complete with sheet music!

The last page of the elegant booklet explains what the Metropol was doing for the war effort. They provided uncountable free tickets for German men and women in uniform.
Hochzeitsnacht in Paradies
50 Jahre Metropol
A very rare and
important piece
of Third Reich
theatrical history.

Front and back cover are somewhat dirty, but the rest of the boolet is in very nice condition.

This Nazi Metropol Theater booklet is **SOLD**
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