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Fips in Kriegsmarine uniform
4 September 1900 Nürnberg
4 April 1975 München
Fips was a famous German illustrator of books and and staff caricaturist for publisher Julius Streicher’s huge circulation anti-Semitic Nazi newspaper Der Stürmer.
Philipp Rupprecht was born in Nürnberg, Germany on 4 September 1900 and at age 20 he traveled to Argentina where he worked as a waiter and a cowboy. Returning to Germany a couple of years later he began a career as cartoonist at the Fränkischen Tagespost, a Socialist newspaper. He was told to draw a cartoon of Frankenführer and Nazi Gauleiter Julius Streicher, but instead he drew a cartoon of Streicher’s opponent and Lord Mayor of Nürnberg, Hermann Luppe.
anti-Semitic Nazi newspaper Der Stürmer
This action brought him to the attention of Streicher who hired him to work at Der Stürmer in the mid-1920s. Under the professional name Fips Rupprecht became the caricaturist for Der Stürmer for which he created the “stereotypical Jew”; swarthy and unshaven, with a big nose and bulging eyes. He worked for Der Stürmer until the last issue in February 1945.
stereotypical Jew
Among his best-known works were illustrations for the heavily anti-Jewish books Trau keinem Fuchs auf grüner Heid und keinem Jud bei seinem Eid (Don't Trust a Fox in a Green Meadow or a Jew Under Oath) and Der Giftpilz (The Poison Mushroom).
At the beginning of the war in 1939, Rupprecht served in the Kriegsmarine (German Navy) but was released from duty because of his obvious value to wartime Nazi propaganda. He was imprisoned by the Allies at the end of the war and sentenced to 6 years at hard labor. On 23 October 1950 he was released from Labor Camp Eichstätt and began work as a painter and decorator in München (Munich) and nearby Starnberg. “Fips” was married twice and had two sons and two daughters. He died in Munich on 4 April 1975.
Also for sale on, an original example of
Der Giftpilz and a
complete set of 18 Giftpilz color prints.
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